
Chudan-Uke practice video on Youtube

Chudan-Uke practice Video is available now.

Chudan-Uke is called "Ude-Uke", "Uchi-Uke" or "Soto-Uke" in some schools.
This names are confusing, even for Japanese learners, so I just call "Chudan-Uke", means "middle level protection".

In this technique, your fists move in circular motion. This motion is important one, in defense techniques.

Chudan-Uke protects your chest part, can work against punch above your elbow height.
With simple application, this skill can protect your head level too.

You may feel this protection is difficult one, when you do pair practice. It is true, this is difficult defense technique, but in "Kata" (moving sequence as textbook of Karate without letters), you can see many times of this Chudan-Uke. Therefore, we can guess this is something important one.

Strong point of this technique is that it has good and quick connection to next defense or counter strike.
Your fist may be in front of opponent's body or face, right after this defense, so easy to do hitting back.
It may be said this is active and aggressive defense.
Even when you are trying to punch and getting hitting back from opponent, your punching hand can be changed into this Chudan-Uke quickly.

Chudan-Uke can become attack, and attack can become Chudan-Uke. This is changeable skill, depending on situation.

This practice is still "Basic" practice. Not practical technique itself. Please do practice properly and get ready for application.

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